I am not usually a Chardonnay drinker so I hadn’t realized that most are aged in oak… so that’s why this one tasted so oaky, even though it wasn’t mentioned on the bottle. I am thinking it’s usually only mentioned if it is not oaked.

After having enjoyed the Once Upon a Vine Red Blend, I was hoping to like this one too. It was okay, but had just one note. All I could really taste was the oak. No fruit or other flavor jumped out at me.

I would not buy this one again.

Click on Once Upon a Vine if you would like to know more about their other wines. They also have a bunch of other brands besides Once Upon a Vine. Two of which, Dynamite Vineyards and Stark Raving, that I have tried before and enjoyed.

For the price $12.99, I think you could find better Chardonnays that have more depth to them…. So I will continue with my search!

In the comments below let me know what is your favorite Chardonnay.

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